OCTOBER 30, 2017

With our autumnal weather more on display albeit a bit changeable our thoughts begin to turn inwards to gather ourselves in and spend more time in the cosy warm indoors. We gather in to spend comfy times with our loved ones. Good for our well-being on those cold nights. Our cavemen ancestors will have gathered in to staying warm by the fire.

Autumn is generally that time of gathering together the harvest of the ripen fruits. We sometimes miss that sort of thing if we are urbanites or even if we do live in the countryside, because most of our fruit and vegetables are bought in trays in the supermarket so we easily forget that we have just had a harvest.

But if you look around you you will see that the squirrels are busy gathering in the acorns to hide away for the winter months and the leaves have to be gathered in when they have all fallen.

However don’t let autumn and the colder weather spoil all your good intentions that you set in the summer months for exercising, eating healthily and looking after your wellbeing. Overeating starchy food can happen easily when the weather turns colder and this can have a very detrimental effect, not only on your health, but also your well-being. Remember you have the power to make choices that are healthy for you and that will pay dividends in the long run. So yes, gather in for the long dark evenings but remember to keep your ray of sunshine within you as you keep committing to your health, well-being and vitality.