OCTOBER 2, 2017
As the weather grows cooler (albeit very up-and-down as usual) we can quickly start turning to stodgy, heavy comfort food replacing the healthy salads and fruits we ate in the warmer summer months.
Often this is because we feel the need to ‘feed’ what we think is missing in our lives, be it the sunshine, warm weather and memories of lovely summer holidays, or something deeper like dissatisfaction with our lives in general or even a specific area like relationships or career.
When you start to eat consciously however you can continue a much more healthy approach to your eating habits in the cooler days. Making delicious nutritious soups, healthy casseroles and warming wholesome puddings in bulk takes the effort of finding the time to cook every night, something we can all struggle with. Prepping on a Sunday for the week ahead really does help as you can plan your weekly menu and by sticking to it, it will eliminate the chances of reaching for those chips or tons of pasta.
So get planning and use the abundance of autumnal vegetables and fruit to plan your healthy nutritious and exciting menus for the weeks and months ahead. Remember when you are cooking in bulk you can always freeze portions for you to use at a later date.
Changing habits of a lifetime can be difficult of course. Enrolling the support of friends and family can be a great help and if you are cooking for the family they will benefit as well.
Do let us know how you plan your healthy colder weather menus. Sharing tips can help those who are struggling with ideas, we’d love to hear from you.
Often we all start off with good intentions and that soon trails off as ‘life’ takes over. Need some impartial advice, support and accountability? Do get in touch for my objective overview of how you can personalise new healthier eating habits.
Or email: cheryledwardswellbeing@gmail.com