How did your summer go? Did you get away to some beautiful destinations? Did you kickback and get some well-earned rest? And how did you feel about life in general after your restful break? Hopefully more rested, calmer, rejuvenated and energised. A good sense of well-being.
My last blog was on kicking back and enjoying the summer by carving out some time for yourself. As we move towards the end of summer and the beginning of autumn we can take what we gained from our summer break into our everyday lives.
Remember the good times you had, the rest periods, the gain you got from spending time with loved ones and of the new people you met.
When we go somewhere different we see things with new eyes and notice all the finer details. These all add to the pleasure of our new experience and it is restful to us. We can bring some of that new found relaxant to our more familiar surroundings by taking the time to notice all those beautiful things we already have in our lives. By noticing even just the trees you pass when you are walking, the people around you on the bus or in the shops, being grateful for the coffee you just bought, heightens your senses just like they did when you were on holiday.
So bring that sense of relaxation and calmness with you into your daily life and keep hold of that sense of well-being. Keeping a sense of awareness is key. It will help you on many different levels, physically, emotionally and mentally.
Great news! I have completed a life changing 12 week Empowerment Coaching Programme to take women into their strong Feminine Power and create the successful lives that we as women so richly deserve but often struggle with in our male dominated society.
As an introductory offer I have a special price for 2 women who want to embark on this incredible journey. Contact me to have a discovery session and see what you will gain from this.
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