FEBURARY 12, 2018

‘It’s not what you do this year that counts. It's who you become that matters.’ - Marianne Williamson

Are you still suffering from January blues? Have all those great New Year’s resolutions lost their shine and have become the proverbial stick that you beat yourself up with for not having done them or even started them?

This is because when we get stuck in the ‘doing’ in life we forget about the ‘being’ in life. We often see or hear the phrase ‘I've been so busy’ used as a badge of honour to give purpose and meaning to our lives and also to convey to others that you've got a great job, you're well liked so you're out socialising all the time and that you have exciting things in your life. Whereas in reality it can often be the reverse. You're busy yes because you have a large workload that is difficult to get through, because you hate your job or you have to travel long distances to get to work. You could be busy because you spend an inordinate amount of time on social media so you don't have time to do your daily chores for instance, or get through your workload.

When we make more time to focus on ‘being’ we are automatically spending more time on who we are becoming. Pausing, taking time to reflect on where we are, who we are and what we would like to create in our lives is very different to just churning out meaningless New Year's resolutions or goals we know we can't achieve.

By going inside we tap into our innate wisdom, knowledge and creativity. This can be done through meditation and stillness, listening more to our inner desires than taking on the expectations of others, be that from relationships, family or social dictates.

So who do you want to become in this coming year? Do you want to follow the norm or would you rather find a way to express your full potential in the best possible way?

Do you get back to me on your thoughts about this. And if you are struggling to get to know your full potential and how to express it, do get in contact with me to see how one of my programs could support you.

Cheryl Edwards


Women’s Wellbeing and Empowerment Coach . Homeopath . Health and Wellbeing Coach . Recovery Coach for Chronic Fatigue

My website www.cheryledwards.co.uk is full of information on what I do and you might get excited about joining me to recreate the lifestyle you so deserve. Drop me a note and we can take a look on how we can make changes for the better. i look forward to connecting with you.